contractors - protect yourself from legal liabilities

contractors - protect yourself from legal liabilities

  • What You Need To Know Before You Dispute Your Car Insurance Settlement

    If you were recently in a car accident and your insurance company offered you a settlement that does not seem fair to you, you can dispute the settlement amount. Here is what you need to know before you do that.  #1 Know What Your Policy Actually Covers Before you dispute your settlement offer with your insurance company, pull out your insurance policy and find the declaration page. Read through your declaration page; this should tell you what damages you are entitled to receive compensation for, as well as the limits of coverage for your policy.

  • Avoid These 4 Big Mistakes While Negotiating An Accident Claim

    If you have been involved in an accident, and are currently working with your insurance company towards a fair settlement, make sure that you avoid these four big mistakes that may put your negotiations at risk.  Mistake #1: Giving A Recorded Statement Many insurance companies will try to trick you into giving a recorded statement before they will provide you with a settlement offer. You do not have to provide them with a recorded statement, and you can refuse this request.

  • Four Things A General Practice Attorney Can Do For Your Small Business

    Small business owners may not think they need an attorney until it is too late. Hiring a general practice attorney before you need legal council in a court of law has many benefits. General practice attorneys don't limit their practice to a specific area, which means they can provide a broad range of services. For the small business owner, many of these services can be invaluable. Having one attorney who handles all legal aspects of your business allows you to build a rapport and trusting relationship.

  • About Getting Justice For The Wrongful Death Of A Baby

    Did your baby pass away after getting treated for a simple cold by a physician? If you believe that negligence was involved with the death of your child, you might want to contact a lawyer as soon as you are able to. In this article, discover what can be legally done to get justice for the wrongful death of your child. What Kind of Information Does a Lawyer Need to Begin?

  • Offered A Bonus Tied To A Non-Compete Clause? Consider Your Next Step Carefully

    Non-compete clauses can be the bane of professionals everywhere–sign one and, if anything happens and you get fired, you're automatically precluded from working in your own field for a year or longer while your talents go rusty and you get less hireable by the day. Now, some employers are tying non-compete clauses to bonuses as a way to get people to give up their right to make a living after they leave.

  • 2024© contractors - protect yourself from legal liabilities
    About Me
    contractors - protect yourself from legal liabilities

    My husband has worked in the construction industry for nearly twenty years. Three years ago, he decided to open his own business performing renovation work. Having so much experience helped him land clients and showed him that he has to protect himself from the clients that aren't so easy to please. We started working with an attorney in the beginning to have all of the contracts drawn up and have called when things go badly with clients. This blog will show you what you need to do to protect yourself from legal liabilities when you work as a contractor in today's world.
