contractors - protect yourself from legal liabilities

contractors - protect yourself from legal liabilities

  • Understanding the Necessary Steps Involved in a Personal Injury Case

    When you experience an injury caused by someone else's negligence, it's important to know that you are entitled to compensation. However, filing a personal injury case can be a complicated process, and it's important to understand the necessary steps to ensure your case is successful. This blog post will guide you through the steps involved in a personal injury case. Seek Medical Attention The first thing you should do after experiencing an injury is to seek medical attention.

  • When You Might Need a Work Injury Compensation Attorney

    No one ever plans to get hurt at work, but injuries can happen even in the safest of workplaces. While most employers carry workers' compensation insurance to cover medical expenses and lost wages, some work injury claims may require the help of an experienced attorney. This post will explore the situations that might require the assistance of a work injury compensation attorney. Your Work Injury Claim Has Been Denied In some cases, particularly when an injury is severe or requires extensive medical treatment, an employer's insurance company may deny the worker's compensation claim.

  • Understanding the Value of Personalized Service Offered by a Workers' Compensation Attorney

    No one can ever predict when an accident may happen in any workplace. This is why it is important for every employee to know their rights and benefits, especially when it comes to workers' compensation insurance. If you fall ill or get injured on the job, it becomes crucial to reach out to a workers' compensation attorney for assistance. Their expertise in navigating such cases can prove invaluable in ensuring proper support and legal guidance.

  • Three Key Documents You Need To Obtain A Chapter 13 Plan Modification

    Are you currently in a Chapter 13 bankruptcy repayment plan? While many Chapter 13 cases proceed smoothly through bankruptcy court and are successfully completed, some borrowers need to adjust their plan midstream due to financial changes. If you find yourself in this situation, how can you receive help from the court? Three key documents will support your petition for modification. Here's what you need to know about them.  1. Income and Expense Schedules

  • The Role Of Life Insurance In Estate Planning

    You can use different estate planning tools to secure your loved ones' future in case of death. The best tools depend on your assets, wishes, and beneficiaries. However, almost everyone can benefit from life insurance. Below are some ways a life insurance policy enhances your estate planning goals.  Increasing Inheritance You can use a life insurance policy to increase the inheritance value available to your beneficiaries. For example, your children can share the life inheritance proceeds and other assets you have left them.

2024© contractors - protect yourself from legal liabilities
About Me
contractors - protect yourself from legal liabilities

My husband has worked in the construction industry for nearly twenty years. Three years ago, he decided to open his own business performing renovation work. Having so much experience helped him land clients and showed him that he has to protect himself from the clients that aren't so easy to please. We started working with an attorney in the beginning to have all of the contracts drawn up and have called when things go badly with clients. This blog will show you what you need to do to protect yourself from legal liabilities when you work as a contractor in today's world.
